To create working environments around the world where every employee can contribute and perform at their highest potential
Employee Engagement is a cornerstone of your company's success, yet improving workplace culture remains a challenge for many. When employees feel disengaged, it results in substantial costs—reduced revenue, increased expenses, retention struggles, diminished work quality, customer dissatisfaction, a damaged brand as well as damaging your employee wellness. Your employees are your greatest asset, and their peak performance is tied to a working culture that fosters their growth and contribution—after all, that's why you hired them.
Creating an environment that promotes their highest potential demands a focus on both inclusion/belonging and, critically, psychological safety. At Sharp Processes, we support these best practices to elevate your team's performance and cultivating engaged, high-performing teams.
DEIB + Psychological Safety = Employee Engagement
After 20 years in a successful corporate finance career, I resigned from my senior leadership role to launch Sharp Processes. Throughout my career in finance, I was able to see the positive and negative impacts that processes and inclusive work cultures had on employee engagement and the organization's results. For example, as workplace inclusion increased, so did engagement, profits and innovation as OpEx decreased. As work processes improved, engagement and profits increased and errors and omissions decreased, and so on.
Throughout my career, I have both witnessed and experienced the painful effects of non-inclusive work cultures and their apathetic leaders. I have also experienced struggles, through poor and dysfunctional processes. So when I became a leader, I ensured through inclusive practices, that no one on my teams would experience what I had.
My successful inclusive leadership approach and constant work on improving cross-functional work processes resulted in:
+Highest engagement scores
+No employee turnover
+Consecutive years of profitable growth
+Increased market-share
+Reduced errors and omission
+Awards and recognition .....
and more
Zoe is also the author of the book Inclusive Leadership Now. She shares insights, required skills and best practices for building and maintaining an Inclusive work culture for your team and improving your leadership brand.
We look forward to working with you